Power Workout of the Week

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August 17, 2013 by danfisher87

Just finished the Saturday Strength & Conditioning private with Brian Jack Taylor. The focus was on POWER.

Brian had already done 5 rounds on pads so was warm enough to get straight into the workout.

30 seconds a station, quick transition, no breaks. To do this yourself you’ll need an olympic barbell set up with around 20kg on each side that you’ll use on repeat so ensure it’s manageable for all exercises before starting and it’s good to have 2 people doing it.

Plyometric squat jumps – For this we used 2 BIG tyres stacked on top of each other, the height was around 110cm so required some strong leg power and good technique to get that height on repetition.

High pulls – Using an olympic barbell, assume sumo squat pose and pull the bar to chin height as you straighten up, using the legs to power you through then back to row to the top.

Floor press – Lying on the floor press the barbell in a bench press style, power up and down as quickly as possible.

Floor wipers – Keep the bar locked out over the chest and lift the legs to a straight position then go side to side.

Once one finished the other went, so we were resting for exactly 2 minutes then repeated for a total of 3 rounds.

After this we moved on to Burpees, Wide mountain climbers, Pull ups and Ring Press Ups. 30 seconds on each station, no breaks for a total of 3 rounds each.

Finally we stretched as normal, focusing on opening our hips up and quad stretching as these took the biggest beating through the workout.

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